Adding new projects to InaSAFE

Users can add new QGIS projects to the list of projects for use in InaSAFE

Use the pacsafe-advanced.bat version to create your project, as this will allow you to update elements such as the project title and ensure the project uses relative paths.

Follow these guidelines to add your own projects:

  1. Projects should be named with underscores _ instead of spaces. Set the name to something meanigful, so other people might understand what the project comprises
  2. All data should be stored under subdirectories where the project is saved. Currently, there are a limited number of subfolders, to make maintaining the data easier. New exposure data should be stored under the exposure folder, raster holds the raster hazard layers, imagery stores the satellite imagery used for context in the projects.
  3. Make sure the project stores the path to the data layers as relative paths. Go to Project ‣ Project properties ‣ General settings ‣ Save paths and ensure it is set to “relative”.
  4. Set the title of the project to something meaningful, so other people might understand what the project comprises: Project ‣ Project properties ‣ General settings ‣ Project title
  5. Copy the project file, and any additional data, to the data/to folder (for Tonga projects).

When you next start InaSAFE, your project should appear in the Project Selection window.